
October 31, 2022

Quote of the day: “Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our
best. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

If anyone is interested in the Junior Class Club sign-up sheets are in the front office.
During home games no one should go past the gray fire doors during the games unless you
have permission to do so!

Congratulations to all the Red Ribbon prize winners last week!!

Ms. Regina would like to shout out a big “THANK YOU” to ALL who participated in the Red
Ribbon week by making it a successful week of educational events and activities with
learning gainful knowledge about Drug Prevention and Teen Domestic Violence prevention.

The P/T conferences are tomorrow night Nov 1st - 4-7 p.m., and Nov 4th from 8-3 p.m.

There will be No school Friday, Monday and Tuesday and Nov. 4 th 7 th , 8 th

There will be No School Friday November 11 th in observance of Veteran Day Holiday

Attention: Seniors –VFW Scholarship are due today. Teachers if you have any students who
have completed the scholarship please bring to guidance.

Senior Scholarship Opportunity – 1,000 dollar Save the Abandoned babies Foundation
Scholarship --See guidance if interested!

Seniors the PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization) Scholarship is available in the
guidance office. One of the main criteria to apply for this scholarship is that you have to
attend 4 PTSO meetings. The meetings will take place every 2 nd Wednesday of each month
at 6pm. Please see guidance if interested.

Century 21 st Enrichment in both buildings till 5pm.
MS Girls Basketball in Elementary Gym 5-7
MS Boys Basketball will practice from 3-5 p.m.
HS Boys Basketball “Boot Camp” in HS Gym 3-5 p.m.
HS Girls Basketball will practice from 5-7 p.m.