11/9 JrH/HS Announcments
  • There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
  • Project Upward Bound Recruitment-If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project Upward Bound please contact Ms. Markita Roper at projectupwardbound.siu.edu
  • November 11th Veteran’s Day – No School
  • November 18th – School Improvement Day- ½ day student attendance
  • November 25th – 27th Thanksgiving Holiday- No School
  • Seniors- Shawnee Community College Scholarship opportunities will be online December 1st. If you have questions contact guidance.
  • Picture Re-take day is December 1st.
  • ATTENTION: Anyone interested in signing up for the High School Scholar Bowl Team please email Ms. Regina at rharley1@meridian101.com  if you are a remote learner. If you are attending in-person you may sign up in the front office. The deadline to sign up will be November 13th. Thank you!
  • ATTeNTion 6-8th grade: If you are interested in signing up for Junior High Scholar Bowl Team please email Mr. Greg Harris at gharris@meridian101.com  if you are a remote learner. If you are attending in person you may sign up in the front office. The deadline to sign up will be November 13th. Thank you!
  • Any Jr. High girl who is still interested in playing basketball you can sign-up in the front office. There will be a short meeting Thursday after school @ 1:30 p.m. in the conference room #27.
  • Seniors create your FSAID. This is a graduation requirement that must be met. After you have created it please print and turn it in to the Guidance Department.
  • Juniors will be taking the SAT April 13th, 2021.
  • Juniors and seniors if you want to practice for taking the SAT go to khanacademy.com for study guides.


HS Girls Open Gym 2-4 in HS Gym

HS Boys Open Gym 4-6 in HS Gym