Parent and Community Forum will be held Thursday, Jan 16, at the Pulaski Community
Center from 6 to 7:15.
Students - the Student Handbook rules are being enforced.There is a sign-up sheet in the front office for any student who may be interested in participating in the Black History program.
Students in grades 5 through 11 interested in trying out for the 2020-21 Jr. High and High School Cheer Squads, should pick up an application in the office. All completed and signed forms should be returned to the office by noon, Thursday, January 23rd. Up-to-date physicals should be on file in the Nurse’s Office by Thursday, January 30th.
The Performing Arts class schedule for the month of January will be as follows: Every Wednesday and Thursday each week after school from 3-5 p.m. Welding class will resume next Wednesday, January 15th.
Attention: all juniors and any senior who would like to take the ASVAB test; we will be taking the test on Wednesday, February 12th.
Any junior or senior who might be interested in touring Trendsetters stop by the guidance office.
Seniors: Make sure you are filling out your scholarship applications. The deadline is February 1st, 2020.
Seniors don’t forget Cap and Gown money. It is $30.00.
There will be High School Scholar Bowl practice in the library after school tomorrow.