Mr. Woods Lesson #8!

Tonight on Channel 49 the Meridian Virtual Graduation will air strikes 8pm!

Meridian CUSD is accepting registration for the 2020-2021 school year on line and in person. Please register your child as soon as possible. If you register online, please notice that you will need to print out permission forms, sign them and turn them in to the appropriate school. We ask that you register your child before Aug 1.

8th grade and Seniors your graduation pictures are in the High School office. If you are not able to pick them up by September 1, they will be mailed.

If your child will be participating in Remote Learning, please fill out this form - https://5il.co/ibdc

Summary Sheet of Return to School! https://5il.co/ibdi

Full Return to School Plan Document! https://5il.co/ibdf

District Information on Return to School Plans is now located on our website under Documents! Here is letter on reopening! https://5il.co/ibdb

Registration for the 20-21 school year is on going. Parents may register students in person or online using the TeacherEase Parent Portal. PLEASE NOTE: for the younger children especially, if the child is to go to an address other than home after school, you must notify the school in writing before school starts. As always, call the school if you have questions or need help with the parent portal.

Registration for 2020-2021 School Year will open Tuesday, July 7. You may log in to TeacherEase and register your student(s) online or come to the school July 7 or 8. Community Health will be conducting physicals from 9 AM until 3 PM both days at the school for $35. To limit contact, please bring your student ONLY if they need to have a physical. Please observe health guidelines.

Correction! Meridian registration is Tuesday and Wednesday, July 7 and 8.

Registration for 2020-2021 School Year will open Tuesday, July 8. You may log in to TeacherEase and register your student(s) online or come to the school July 8 & 9. Community Health will be conducting physicals both days at the school for $35.

You can visit the 2020-2021 school calendar for the by following this link! https://5il.co/hgjx

Dairy Products available today, June 23, 2020, at St. John Praise & Worship Center in Pulaski beginning at 3:00 PM.

In the month of April, our school district delivered 14,814 meals, in May 13,082. We continue to deliver meals in the Month of June at an average of 350 each day of delivery. We thank our cafeteria staff, bus drivers and food delivery personnel! #Bobcats Rising

Beginning Monday, June 1st, Meridian will renew the Monday and Thursday food deliver for the month of June. If for some reason you do not wish to have food delivered please contact the school district! Thank you!

Lesson #7 from Mr. Woods! https://youtu.be/X6pHczTMuHg

Please read the directions for Graduation on Saturday!

Lesson #6 from Mr. Woods! https://youtu.be/UmEji0B_gUM

2020-2021 Pre-K Registration Information! https://5il.co/g35d